How to create BigFix Inventory custom signature to discover .dll file

I’d like to create a custom signature in BFI to discover a .dll file.

Should I use ‘Package/File Signatures’ or ‘File Template Signature’ on the Catalog Customizations?

Use the Catalog Customization with XML template signature

Use the “Package or File Signatures” option. The “File Template Signature” option won’t work for a non-standard extension like .dll.

Create the signature in Catalog Customizations. Note that the Component Name is inherited from the Product Name in the Create Catalog Entry form, so, if necessary go back in and modify the Software Component Name to match your requirements.

After the updated catalog is distributed to your endpoints, and a follow-on data collection cycle flows into BFI (1 to 2 weeks if using the default scan schedule), you will see the results in the Software Installations report. Filter on the Component Name you chose for your signature.

You may be required to add dll for file discovery because by default it is not being discovered: Optimizing the volume of scanned file data
and in fact you may need to tweak the default directory exceptions too: Defaults and rules of File System Exclusions for Software Discovery Scan in BigFix Inventory - Customer Support

Depends on the locations of your dll of course, but usually %windir%\system32 where usually all dlls are is excluded.

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