How to create a checklist out of default CIS list for linux?

We want to create a list like a Linux CIS checklist. But there are some checks not in the CIS default list on Bigfix. How could we create it to add to the list to make compliance? Could anyone help us?
The list like:
/etc/security/user histsize = 20
/etc/security/user maxage = 12(week)
/etc/security/user minage = 1
/etc/security/user minlen = 8
/etc/security/user Pwdwarntime=7
/etc/security/user mindiff = 4
/etc/security/user maxexpired=2(week)
/etc/security/user Expires=0
/etc/security/user Umask=077
/etc/security/user dictionlist = /usr/share/dict/words
/etc/security/user pwdchecks

Like “Pwdwarntime” that we can not find on the CIS checklist.
Could anyone help us to create it on the Bigfix compliance?