How to check the version ENDPOINT Manager Client Running in RHEL?

We have to write a script to check the version of ENDPOINT Manager Client Running after the installation is complete . Is there any Command to check the version of the Client in Linux ?

You can check file IBM_Endpoint_Manager_Platform_Agent-*.swidtag which contains eg. "version=“"”

This information is already available through an analysis in the normal BigFix console if you have it activated. You don’t need to look in SUA for this information.

You can look on the file system or registry or other places to determine what version is installed, but this is only relevant if you are doing so manually on the system itself, otherwise just check the BigFix console for this info.

as @jgstew says this information is reported by the client through to the bigfix server so it’s available there and visible in the console

Otherwise just check the package version using your package manger, for example of red hat based systems:

$ sudo rpm -q BESAgent

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Thank you all for the responses.

The answer provided by @MichalPaluch was the best for me as I manage the client and not the console (no access to it) and the product agent gets wrapped into a local bundle such that an rpm or dnf command is not informative.

It would be nice if the executable had a -v (version) or --version option that could provide the information directly from the binary instead of relying on a directory/file name or config contexts that could, in fact, be lying.

Thanks again.