During initial registration, before the client downloads the relay list and knows about other available relays, it will by default contact the root server. The root server is listed in your masthead file (actionsite.afxm) and initially is the only server the client knows about.
That would be the simplest answer and should suffice in many cases. There are some additional options for more complex scenarios, for instance if the Relays cannot be pinged by the client because a firewall is blocking the ICMP traffic. You can use _BESClient_RelaySelect_FailoverRelay or _BESClient_RelaySelect_FailoverRelayList as part of a custom clientsettings.cfg to select other relays besides the root server even when none respond to ICMP.
After initial registration, you could control whether clients select the root server during relay auto-selection. One useful value might be to set _BESRelay_Selection_AutoSelectableRelay on the root server to prevent clients from selecting it; or you could use the combinations of _BESRelay_Register_Affiliation_AdvertisementList on the server and _BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList on the clients to reduce the root server in priority while still allowing it to be selected if other relays are not available.
A detailed list of settings that might be helpful are at