How to append list to a .txt file

(imported topic written by bearandy91)

I create a TXT list like :

parameter “bl” = “{parent folder of (regapp “besclient.exe”)}\bll.txt”

createfile until end

Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX

Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) - Chinese Traditional


delete “{parameter “bl”}”

copy __createfile “{parameter “bl”}”

And how to add new list to the file in final like Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX

Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) - Chinese Traditional

FileZilla Client 3.5.1

Not create another .txt to recover.

Thanks for answer.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

delete __appendfile

appendfile {concatenation “%0a%0d” of lines of file “bll.txt”}

appendfile FileZilla Client 3.5.1

delete bll.txt

copy __appendfile bll.txt

(imported comment written by bearandy91)

Thanks your answer!

I did the action , but FileZilla Client 3.5.1 didn’t add into the list.

Did I miss anything?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

The actionscript I posted is not exact and assumes bll.txt is in the working directory, which may not be the case. Make sure you are using 2 _ not just 1 _

(imported comment written by bearandy91)

My action:

delete __appendfile

appendfile {concatenation “%0a%0d” of lines of file “bll.txt” of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe”}

appendfile FileZilla Client 3.5.1

delete bll.txt

copy __appendfile bll.txt

I am sure using 2_ .

It is no error , but I open the TXT . FileZilla Client 3.5.1 didn’t add in.

(imported comment written by bearandy91)

It seems to create another .txt in another place.

I just use debugger to lines of file “bll.txt” and FileZilla Client 3.5.1 show in the list.

But I go to open the folder of “bll.txt” that I want to add. FileZilla Client 3.5.1 is not in there.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I would suggest opening the file in Notepad++ or other more advanced editor. I think you may find that the “FileZilla” entry is at the end of the line.

(imported comment written by bearandy91)

Thanks your help!

Finally I try to add a parameter and it success:

parameter “bl” = “{parent folder of (regapp “besclient.exe”)}\bl.txt”

delete __appendfile

appendfile {concatenation “%0d%0a” of lines of file “bl.txt” of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe”}

appendfile FileZilla Client 3.5.1

delete “{parameter “bl”}”

copy __appendfile “{parameter “bl”}”

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Glad to hear it worked out for you. I have not used parameter’s much, but it makes a lot of sense when reusing the same thing over and over in actionscript.