How get list of actionscript parameters

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But replies doesn’t work to me.
( ( name of it, id of it, name of site of it, ( parenthesized part 1 of it ) of matches ( regex
“action parameter query %22([^%22]*)” ) of script of

default action of it ) ) of bes fixlets whose ( exists

default action whose ( script of it contains
“action parameter query” ) of it )

My response:

This expression contained a character which is not allowed.

Do you have any idea ?

From your other post, please check all your double-quotes.

The following worked for me:

( ( name of it, id of it, name of site of it, ( parenthesized part 1 of it ) of matches ( regex "action parameter query %22([^%22]*)" ) of script of default action of it ) ) of bes fixlets whose ( exists default action whose (script of it contains "action parameter query" ) of it )

One way to validate syntax and characters is to use Console’s Presentation Debugger, or the Session Relevance Tester.

It may depend upon how you are sending the query. Session relevance tester? Presentation debugger? Curl? Powershell?
You may need the entire query to be URL-encoded. Some of these tools do it for you, for others you may need to encode it before sending the query. Can you give some more info on your workflow?