Subject says it all: can Offers be reapplied? Sample use case would be a troubleshooting Offer to “Install SoftwareX” that would apply if SoftwareX is not present. User uses Offer to install SoftwareX, the Offer then disappears. A week later, the user uninstalls the software, the Offer should re-appear.
I’ll admit that I haven’t tried out what happens when “Reapply Action” is used with an Offer. I was hoping to find documentation that spoke to this but it doesn’t seem to:
There were also a few previous forum posts that were all years old and had no answers.
I would make note though, In my experience, in order for it to actually re-apply and show the offer again you have to have criteria in your task to make it not relevant to the task when it applies successfully. If you deploy a task with success criteria that says that the task runs successfully then it won’t show as an offer again even with the reapply option set.
To remedy this, we use something like this:
not exists last active time of action or ( absolute value of ( now - last active time of action ) ) > 1 * second
Though I will state that I have recieved feedback from others in this forum that maybe 1 * second might be too short, but we have had good success with it in the past.