How do install Oracle Java SE Patches

Good day all,

I need to install Java SE patches on my Oracle Linux machines. These patches are not available on Bigfix. How do I create a custom fixlet to install these patches?

Thank you

Here is the command I use for my windows servers. Sorry don’t have Linux systems.
I stage the files on a web server for bigfix to pull down.

of note the files on the web server are named something other then the .exe as web server is set not to like .exe files :slight_smile:

begin prefetch block

add prefetch item name=jdk-8u291-windows-x64.exe sha1=8D75DCEA199FCF33F3ED2E76C02570481C3CCE84 size=176876296 url=

end prefetch block

Then the bellow command is run.

waithidden __Download\jdk-8u291-windows-x64.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1 INSTALLDIR=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_291 NOSTARTMENU=Enable WEB_ANALYTICS=Disable WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL=VH AUTO_UPDATE=Disable EULA=Disable SPONSORS=Disable /L C:\installation\it_info\java\jdk-8.0.291x64.log

Hope this help set you on your path to getting this installed.