How do I update or configure any application multiple servers through Bigfix job. Is the only way to note the file name or updated registry value to push to all servers?r

application configuration through Bigfix

I dont do server stuff much. but I can tell you that depending of the application inmost cases its
a registry entry that shows the config of the application
files that show the config of the application
and in some other cases and encrypted file in lala land that you might ave to use a script to get what you need.

as per the question. Im reading it two ways.
rename a file and change registry
or use relevance to see what systems need the config instead of slapping it on all systems.

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Thanks for your information!! Got Idea !!

Typically we use answer/config files and/or installer arguments to configure applications, middleware, and databases on our server endpoints.

It is powerful to do relevance substitution to dynamically create an answer/config file. That way it can be personalized to the specific endpoint’s requirements or role.

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