How do I add a custom property so Bigfix can group by that property?

(imported topic written by olsonc5891)

We need to group our servers by catagories for patching. I want to create a property on the servers that Bigfix can gather and then sort by that property for patching purposes. When a new server is built, part of the on-boarding process would be to add that property to the new server. For example, the property names would something like UAT, Data Ops, QA, etc.

Sadly, there is nothing distictive in the hostname or any other property that I can use. What is the best way to tag these servers so that Bigfix can identify them with a query or relevance? Some sort of registry entry? Any suggestions would be appreciated.



(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Client settings are the usually the best way to do this -->

(imported comment written by olsonc5891)

Hi Noah,

I knew someone else had done this, just couldn’t find it.

Thanks a ton!!!
