(imported topic written by jdesi91)
A nessus scan turns up the following high level vulnerability (pasted below). However I do not see any canned fixlets on this vulnerability. I am curious to find out why? it seems none of our computers have the updated version and had the scan not identified this I would not have known about it.
"Insecure Library Loading Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2269637)
Synopsis:The remote Windows host may be vulnerable to code execution attacks.Description:The remote host is missing Microsoft KB2264107, which provides a
mechanism for mitigating binary planting or DLL preloading attacks.
Insecurely implemented applications look in their current working
directory when resolving DLL dependencies. If a malicious DLL with
the same name as a required DLL is located in the application’s
current working directory, the malicious DLL will be loaded.
A remote attacker could exploit this issue by tricking a user into
accessing a vulnerable application via a network share or WebDAV
folder where a malicious DLL resides, resulting in arbitrary code
Risk factor:High
CVSS Base Score:9.3CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C
See also:http://www.nessus.org/u?960d4ef0
See also:http://www.acrossecurity.com/aspr/ASPR-2010-08-18-1-PUB.txt
See also:http://blog.rapid7.com/?p=5325
See also:http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/2269637.mspx
Solution:Microsoft has released a set of patches for Windows XP, 2003, Vista,
2008, 7, and 2008 R2 :
Please note this update provides a method of mitigating a class of
vulnerabilities rather than fixing any specific vulnerabilities.
Additionally, these patches must be used in conjunction with the
‘CWDIllegalInDllSearch’ registry setting to have any effect.
These protections could be applied in a way that breaks
functionality in existing applications. Refer to the Microsoft
advisory for more information.
Plugin output:
- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ntdll.dll has not been patched
Remote version : 5.1.2600.5755
Should be : 5.1.2600.6007"