I am knew but i have an issue, can you please take a look at my script regarding reading, appending and deploying a registry value for a string? We are trying to append a proxyoverride on IE for current users on the machines. I am not sure regarding the execution on Execute as current user part.
createfile until EOF
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
One problem that I can see with this script is that it tries to run “RunAsCurrentUser.exe” in the download folder without first downloading it. I think you have to add a ‘prefetch’ line to your script to make sure that you first have RunAsCurrentUser.exe before trying to run it.
regset “[HKEY_USERS{component string of sid of security account (string value of selects “Username from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi)}\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]” “ProxyOverride”=“list the override sites here”