HIde Action List from other User

(imported topic written by Braian)

Hi All,

Any Idea on how to prevent other user to view one’s user action? for example is when a user login, only the action deployed by this user will be displayed in Web Reports/Console.



(imported comment written by BrianPGreen)

It’s possible to limit a user to only see actions that they created by changing the “Show Other Operators’ Actions” permission. I don’t think there’s any more fine grained control on action visibility than that.

(imported comment written by Braian)

Thanks for the reply, where can i find that option? Thanks

(imported comment written by BrianPGreen)

In “All Content” click on the “Operators” node. Select an operator in the list, and in the document below, change “Show Other Operators’ Actions to” “No”. You can also change this permission on a role by using via the Roles" tree node in the “All Content” domain.

Keep in mind that permissions are only additive, so if a user has a role where “Show Other Operators’ Actions” is set to “No”, but in their user document it is set to “Yes”, then they will see other operator’s actions.