Trying to install a mac pkg file which succsesfully downloads to the \tmp\ folder on the mac. I can browse it via terminal and I see the pkg file there.
The command completes with exit code -1 and the application is not installed.
Here’s the action script i am using, again the pkg file is delivered to \tmp just cant get the installer to work.
It appears that the prefetched file is a BigFix archive file and you’re renaming it to a pkg, which is not going to work with You have to extract the archive first to have a valid installer .pkg file.
I have the bfswd extension since I was looking at other actions that include the extension, yet the pkg file in the upload\ folder does not contain that extension. I compared to some other actions for windows files and I have for example msi files without the bfwd but yet the script shows the filename.exe.bfswd and those actions work fine.
So not understanding why scripts have file.ext.bfswd but the files in the bfix upload\ folder just have file.ext.
Also would you know if the installer command is the correct syntax to run on a mac?
Ok so after doing some more reading on the forums and trying to put it all together in my head I decide to break down each line instead of using and then (&&)