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How do I generate a report on anti virus through bigfix

If you have BigFix Compliance, I suggest checking out the Client Manager for Endpoint Protection (CMEP) App to help with this scenario:

Are there specific attributes associated with AV that you’d like to report on?

Wanted to generate a report through Bigfix to determine computers and systems that has anti-virus programs installed on them and those who don’t have it installed.

How would you tell without BigFix? Via Add/Remove Programs?
Do you have CMEP as @Aram suggests above? Inventory? Or only the platform & Web reports?

You could do this with Web Reports using the “Installed Applications - Windows” property, building a list of your expected antivirus packages, and setting the filters to either include or exclude those packages.

If you are looking to retrieve what security products is in use / registered with the OS, there is a WMI approach that may be of use.

Using relevance to inspect the AV product

Q: string values of selects "displayName from AntiVirusProduct" of wmis "root\SecurityCenter2"
A: Windows Defender
T: 8.156 ms
I: plural string

With it being WMI inspection that does have longer evaulation times that many other inspectors, its probably wise to not refresh this too frequently. The result can contain multiple products