Help creating a custom report

(imported topic written by lmpymilk91)

can someone please help me with this. I’m having a hard time combining these.

What I would like is to get a list of all machines that are part of the OU High Availabilty and have a wireless network adapter.

(names of bes computers whose (exists (value of result (it, bes property “Network Adapter - Windows”)) whose (it as lowercase contains “wireless”)))

(names of bes computers whose (exists (unique values of preceding texts of firsts “,DC” of following texts of firsts “,OU=” of values of results (it, bes property “Active Directory path”)) whose (it as lowercase contains “high availability,”)))

I thought it would be something like this, but it just gives me a blank report.

<?Relevance (names of bes computers whose ( (exists(value of result (it, bes property 
"Network Adapter - Windows")) whose (it as lowercase contains 
"wireless")) and (exists (unique values of preceding texts of firsts 
",DC" of following texts of firsts 
",OU=" of values of results (it, bes property 
"Active Directory path")) whose (it as lowercase contains 
"high availability,"))))   ?>

Thank you

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey lmpymilk,

This looks pretty good to me… are you sure you want the extra “,” at the end? You might want to troubleshoot by trying

… whose (it as lowercase contains “high”)) …

or something like that…


(imported comment written by lmpymilk91)

Hey Ben, thanks for getting back to me. Once you said it looked ok, I went back to the webreports server and noticed I was connected to the wrong server. :smiley:

I tried it in production and everything looked good.