Hardware Inventory Report Issue


Getting below warning message while opening Hardware inventory in BFI.

SQL server is accessible and running

Tema log…

[11/6/19 15:04:00:165 UTC] 00000060 com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[WARN] Exception happens while preparing response #<Sequel::DatabaseError: DBNAME: temadb - Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Arithmetic overflow error converting bigint to data type numeric.> [“com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/SQLServerException.java:258)”,


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Please let me know if you were able to find an solution to this error.
We are also facing the same issue now.

I got the temporary solution from the developer site to fix this issue, I run below SQL query on my Inventory SQL database and It will be working until the next import will be completed.

update adm.current_hardware_inventory set no_processors_agt = no_processors_agt/10 where no_processors_agt > 100000

Still I am working with PMR team for permanent fix.


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Thank you Shahban. It worked!!

Please let me know in case you get the permanent fix for this. I am unable to get any other information on this.

Arun Prakash

Still I am working on this hence share some logs to support team for review , I will share the solution once get it.


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Hello Shahban

Please let me know if you have got the permanent fix for this issue.

Still we have the same issue and unable to identify the fix.

Arun Prakash

Hi Arun,

I believe your scanner version is coming 9.2.17 that’s need to revert on 9.2.16, this is scanner version bug need to wait new scanner version 9.2.18 to permanent fix.
