Happy Holidays!

(imported topic written by BenKus)

Happy Holidays to all from BigFix!


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

(it as uppercase & “!”) of (it & "r%72%79 " & (concatenation of (character(it)) of (it-7) of (hexadecimal integer(it)) of (characters of “JOYPZ[THZ” as hexadecimal))) of first 2 of following text of position 10 of name of key whose (name of it starts with “App Manage”) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion” of registry


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Merry Christmas to you Paul, and all on the forum!


(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

(character (length of it + 37) & it) of (character (length of it + 63) & it) of (character (length of it + 85) & it) of (character (length of it + 69) & it) of (character (length of it + 1) & it) of (character (length of it + 35) & it) of (character (length of it + 3) & it) of (character (length of it + 54) & it) of (character (length of it + 74) & it) of (character (length of it + 82) & it) of (character (length of it + 76) & it) of (character (length of it + 94) & it) of (character (length of it + 74) & it) of (character (length of it + 88) & it) of (character (length of it + 95) & it) of (character (length of it + 12) & it) of (character (length of it + 53) & it) of (character (length of it + 93) & it) of (character (length of it + 91) & it) of (character (length of it + 89) & it) of (character (length of it + 85) & it) of (character (length of it + 83) & it) of (character (length of it + 108) & it) of (character (length of it + 20) & it) of (character (length of it + 59) & it) of (character (length of it + 104) & it) of (character (length of it + 102) & it) of (character (length of it + 101) & it) of (character (length of it + 25) & it) of “BigFix!”

Note that this works even if you change “BigFix!” to “Tivoli!” but you shouldn’t add any more exclamation points… one is enough.

Also, not quite as clever as Paul’s contribution… but this one is cross-platform. :wink: