Group Relevance Not Working


I’m trying to get a fixlet to be relevant for both Windows and Macs (not added yet), providing they are not members of a certain group (No Shutdown). Everyone else in all other groups are fair game. Here’s what i have, which isn’t even close to working.

(version of client >= “”) AND ((exists true whose (if true then (exists setting “__Group_0_No Shutdown” whose (value of it is “True”) of client) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then (exists (operating system) whose (it as string as lowercase contains “Win” as lowercase)) else false)))

I’d like to add the Macs to this, but the logic conditions are either “AND” or “OR”, not a combo of both.

When you want to see if a Setting exists, you really need to also check to see if the “Value of” the setting exists.

This is because when a setting is “deleted”, the value is deleted, but the setting itself still exists. So try something like the following …

(version of client >= "") AND ((exists true whose (if true then (exists setting "__Group_0_No Shutdown" whose ((exists Value of it) AND (value of it as lowercase is "true")) of client) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then (exists (operating system) whose (it as string as lowercase contains "Win" as lowercase)) else false)))

Also be sure that you do not use “magic” quotes. The relevance you posted used them (Left and Right hand quote characters, endemic of products like MS Word). You need to be sure that you only use the plain " character. You can validate your Relevance using the Fixlet Debugger (aka QnA).

If you want to check Group Membership in relevance, you need to know the ID number for the Group.

Look in your Console a the Computer Groups. I believe that, by default, the ID column is not visible. Right click the Header and select the ID column so it will display. You are interested in the part that is after “00-”.

Find your Group, and make note of the ID for that group. The Relevance to check for membership in the Group whose ID is 00-809377 would be …

((exists true whose (if true then (member of group 809377 of site "actionsite") else false))) /* Check if computer is a member of group "YourGroup" */

Thanks. Where do magic quotes originate? I’m copying/pasting syntax in/out of the console. No MS Word involved.

I have the ID number of the group, but this fixlet’s relevance is so screwy that I doubt changing it will help at this point. Nothing that should be relevant is. It doesn’t make any sense. its almost as if my console is not talking to the server.

Remember that Relevance is evaluated by the Endpoints. The results are displayed in your Console.

The Server simply acts as a repository for the Relevance to be Evaluated by Endpoints, and as a repository for the results returned by the Endpoints to be displayed in the Console.

If find the Magic quotes appear when I copy a relevance clause into something like Microsoft Word. It tries to be “helpful” and converts them from regular quotes to Magic Quotes where there is a Left and a Right quote character.

OK. Without getting too far into the weeds, how is it possible for a client “Evaluating” an action to go grey, drop off from the console after a period of perceived inactivity which seems to stop at 90 minutes? A closer look at that client shows “Downloads waiting to be mirrored.” In most cases they are small and individual Windows updates, which are themselves being mirrored.

Have you set “_BESClient_Report_MinimumInterval”?
If so, what is it set to?