Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for W2003 KB943729

(imported topic written by MCKELLY91)

I need to deploy Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for W2003 KB943729 and don’t see a fixlet. Is there one or do I need to create my own? Not a problem but am curious why this optional MS patch shows up in Windows update but is not already available in my fixlets list. When I do Windows update on servers, I often see MS patches listed that are not in fixlet inventory. Anyone have Explanation?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

If it is not a security bulletin or security-related, then our patch sites won’t include it… You can drop the patch in the software distribution wizard if you want to deploy it through BigFix…

And we are currently doing an analysis to see if we can include more patches from MS because (like you said) people don’t like to see patches in Windows Update and not in BigFix.


(imported comment written by MCKELLY91)
