Getting the names of the file that satisfies wildcard conditions

Hello team,

I am trying to create an analysis that will check if the .fxf file of actions are still existing in the mailboxsite folder of the BES Client and display the name/s of the present .fxf files.

So far I patterned my relevance statement to the relevance statement given by jgstew on this forum link: Searching for characters within a file name

exists files whose(name of it starts with “Action” AND name of it ends with “.fxf”) of folder “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\mailboxsite”

This will allow me to check if there is/are file/s that starts with Action and ends with .fxf inside the mailboxsite folder but I would like to get the names of the files that are currently present on the folder in question and return it on my analyses

Thank you in advance for any feedback

names of files whose(name of it starts with "Action" AND name of it ends with ".fxf") of folder "C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\mailboxsite"

Hello Jason,

Tried the one you recommended but it returned the Singular expression refers to nonexistent object message. Any ideas why?

Q: exists files whose(name of it starts with “Action” AND name of it ends with “.fxf”) of folder "C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\mailboxsite"
A: True
T: 0.738 ms

Q: names of files whose(name of it starts with “Action” AND name of it ends with “.fxf”) of folder "C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\mailboxsite"
E: Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.

The “singular object” refers to the folder name. Because BigFix is a 32-bit application, it cannot reference “Program Files” directly. Instead you should use the “native program files folder” inspector.

Even better, in this case, is to use the “data folder of client” property so you can handle installations in non-default paths. Try the following - but in QnA make sure you are in “local client evaluator” mode -

Q: names of files whose(name of it starts with "Action" AND name of it ends with ".fxf") of folder "mailboxsite" of data folder of client