Getting Started with WebUI and AutoPatch

We’ve just upgraded to 9.5.7 and configured WebUI for SQL so that we can use Patch Policies (AutoPatch).

We had WebUi with version 9.5.6 but were using SQLite so we needed to run the fixlet to modify the DB for SQL. That enabled us to get in to the Patch Policies part of WebUI.

Then we had to figure out how to create policies. Hint: log in to WebUI as MasterOp, then you can click content -> Patch Policies to create a new policy.

Policies are all activated at once, so you can’t have separate policies and activate them at will. The only way to make that work is to either mess around with the schedule or add/remove targets.

So far we’ve got a set of test policies configured.

Here’s a screen shot of our very first set of patch policies, we’re about to activate them.


I have just started to dabble in Autopatch. It seems at 1st glance, to be ok. But digging further in, in a distributed IT environment, each department cannot either create their own policy nor than they schedule the policy to suit their department.
This means the Master Role basically dictates the policy and its schedule and the departments “can like it or lump it” That needs to be changed as we have 70+ departments. Some of those run lab machines which cant run the same policy as the reset of the enterprise. Short of creating separate policies for every scenario, there doesn’t seem a way out of it… (Unless Im missing something. ?
Now that’s what I call job security for the master admins.:slight_smile: