(imported topic written by ktm_200091)
I rolled out may patches via a baseline and 2 actions:
1st action set to deploy between 8pm and 6am the following morning and spread out over 4hrs to reduce network load. This was designed to get the 85% of the workstations and not overwork the network.
2nd action set to deploy starting at 6am and continue on forever, with no spread on the deployment time.
1st action went great, I got the expected results
2nd action is another story, I am getting workstations to install fine but the reporting states that 50% of the workstations are waiting, when I look they state that they are waiting for the start time. When I look further, they are all the pcs which got patched on the first action and none of the patches are relevant.
How do I get the workstations to re-evaluate the baseline without stopping the action and putting out a new one?