Getting error on filtering relevance query by multiple computer names


I am new to using relevance queries and would like to request assistance with the following request.

I want to retrieve the computer ID, name, and last report time for one or more hosts, possibly exceeding 100. What is the most efficient relevance query to use? I have worked on the following, but it appears that the set is not functioning correctly for multiple hosts,causing errors when passing multiple hosts.

api/query?relevance=(ids of it, last report times of it) of bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase as string is contained by set of (“C1”; “C2”))

<Query Resource="(ids of it, last report times of it) set of bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase as string is contained by set of (“C1"”>

“It” used outside of “whose” clause.

Possibly 2 tweaks

  1. Your set is uppercase where as your “name of it” is cast to lowercase
  2. Try replacing ; with the % encoded equivalent, %3b

(ids of it, last report times of it) of bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase is contained by set of ("c1"%3b"c2"))


Thank you for the help. encoded worked.

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