Get processes that start with a specifica name on Linux

I need to get if a process is running or not on some Linux systems.

The issue is that this process has a special name that always starts with Puppy but it turns out to be Puppy3741 where 3741 is random. So I would like to match the name of the process whose starts with Puppy and the return “Running”. If no process starts with Puppy, it returns “Not Running”.
This for an analysis.




Q: if (exists running applications whose (name of it as lowercase starts with "puppy")) then ("Running") else ("Not Running")
A: Not Running
T: 3475

An approach that consumes less DB resources would be let it return True or False as opposed to a string value

Q: exists running applications whose (name of it as lowercase starts with "puppy")
A: False
T: 6316

Thank you, it works.
I was using process instead of running applications and getting a lot of errors.