Get Multiple Monitors from Relevance


I’m new to BigFix and I never receive formal training so I learned from KBs, googling etc.

Also, I’m sorry if this is not in the correct location.

I discovered that I can query workstations using relevance. Its great.

My issue is that I need to get the monitor model, serial number would be just incase its needed in the future.

I found what I needed, however, it has an issue.

The code below is able to get the monitors, however, it shows even monitors that are no longer connected.
In the console, I see multiple results (due to multiple monitors) but I can see them in the summary page.
Web reports, I see the no longer connected monitors and the others but I have to expand the field.


  1. In the console, can see both monitors, if so how? (if not I’ll use web reports)
    2.Can I make the code only show currently used monitors and not old monitors?
  2. In Web Reports, in the column which has the info I need there is a [+] I can click to expand and see multiple monitors. How can I just make it show all monitors or expand all?

Thank you

(( (hexadecimal string (first 24 of following texts of first "000000fc00" of it )) | "n/a"), ( (hexadecimal string (first 24 of following texts of first "000000ff00" of it ) ) | "n/a"), (hexadecimal integer (first 2 of following text of position 32 of it )/4) as string & "/" & (1990+(hexadecimal integer (first 2 of following text of position 34 of it ))) as string) of unique values of (it as string) of values "EDID" of keys "Device Parameters" of keys of keys of keys "Enum\DISPLAY" of (keys "CurrentControlSet" of it;keys whose(name of it starts with "ControlSet") of it) of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM" of (x64 registries;x32 registries)

The Wiki has some great documentation on Fixlet Authoring and relevance

One of the most useful documents I’ve found for writing relevance queries for Windows devices is the Windows Inspector Library Reference.

I believe active device and/or device key may have the info you’re looking for in a much more straightforward manner than having to manually dig through the registry. You may also want to consider using a WMI query in your relevance. See WmiMonitorID class. on MSDN. Although I have seen a performance impact when using WMI queries in relevance so keep that in mind.

See here:
