Get list of Cloud Devices not Running BigFix Agents

With the new Cloud plugins we are able to integrate BigFix with different Cloud providers and able to pull data/install BigFix, etc.

In our environment we have installed the Amazon Cloud and we are already able to pull the list of ec2 instances and BigFix is correlating such data with what we already have from from data reported by native agents.

Our next move is to us this integration to deploy the BigFix agents in an automatic way once it detects an ec2 instance is missing the agent.

Unfortunately, the Fixlet provided for such purpose is showing up applicable for devices that are already the agents(Somehow). Is that normal?

I have tried to go with a different approach making us of the BigFix Rest API to extract the list of cloud entries and native entries and getting the names of devices that can’t be found with an agent.

I have the following Session Relevance piece:

elements of ((set of (unique values of( values of results from(bes properties "Instance ID AWS")  of elements of set of  bes computers with extensions  whose ((now - last report time of it) < 400*minute AND agent type of it is not "Native" And ((value of results from(bes properties "State AWS") of it is "running") AND (concatenation of values of results from(bes properties "Tags AWS") of it does not contain "ecs")))   ))) - ( set of unique values of( values of results from(bes properties "aws_instance_id")  of elements of set of  bes computers with extensions  whose (agent type of it is "Native")   )))

However, this query is still returning ec2 instances that have the BigFix agent already installed. I have been dealing with this for a few days now, has anyone tried to do something similar?

I think you may be overthinking it. Give this a try:

(name of it) of bes computers whose (not correlation flag of it and agent type of it starts with “Proxy”)

May need to append the string to AWS only if you have other Public Cloud providers as this should give you all.

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This session relevance is still returning native agent representations :frowning:

Strange, I tested it on my side and it seems to be working fine.

scratch that, I think it was due to an extra relevance clause I added. I’m testing it again.

It works!

I missed the part of the correlation inspector(New to me), I was using a different approach.
Thanks for the guidance!

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