Get Folder Sizes in My Documents

(imported topic written by heathy91)

I want to get a directory tree with folder sizes in Documents and Settings.

I figured out how to get the value of a specific folder in all of the profiles but I just want to know all the folders, not just one.

This is an example of what I’m using now.

(pathnames of it ,((sum of sizes of descendants of it)/1000) as string & " KB") of folders “My Music” of folders of folders of folder “c:\documents and settings”

I borrowed this from another post. Can someone give a hand with getting all the folders in Documents and Settings?


(imported comment written by sthull)

Hi heathy,

You just need to remove two of the “of folders” pieces so it doesn’t dig into the subdirs first:

(pathnames of it ,((sum of sizes of descendants of it)/1000) as string & " KB") of folders of folder “c:\documents and settings”

NOTE: Please be very careful with this kind of relevance, though. It will be very intensive for the client to scan these folders and subfolders for all the file sizes. If a user has many many small files or if there are many users on a particular system, it could take a very long time for this relevance to evaluate. So you should definitely increase the evaluation period from the default to something like once every 7 days.

