I need to collect a specific folder size from about 120 servers.
the folder is in the same location in all servers (E:\Home), so i wrote this query and tested it on one server:
q: sum of ((sum of sizes of descendants of it) /1024/1024) of folders of folder "e:\home"
A: 70181
(Yes, i know it can take a while - i am only running this once a week)
however, my problem lies in tha fact that while QnA’s answer is 70 GB, the result i get from right clicking “e:\home” under Windows explorer and clicking properties, i get over 200 GB!!!
the folder / volume is not compressed, and there are no files under e:\home, just folders.
can anyone help me understand why QnA is giving different results than Explorer?
This is a bit backwards, but you could always write a task to run a “dir /s” and pipe the results to a text file. Your analysis would then just have to look for the line with “File(s)” on it.