Get client log from WebUI


I’ve been using this BigFix Query in the WebUI to get the client log of the current day:

locked lines of files ((year of it as string & month of it as two digits & day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of now & “.log”) of folders “__Global/Logs” of (data folder of client)

It works fine, but now I need to get the last 7 days from now, how can I adapt the query?

Thank you!


Do you want the one log from 7 days ago, or the last 7 days worth of logs? If the former, try something like the following:

locked lines of files ((year of it as string & month of it as two digits & day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of (now - 7 * day) & ".log") of folders "__Global/Logs" of (data folder of client)

Hello @gabrielcovello please note that an endpoint can have a log file with an extension of .bkg as documented here:

Here is another possible approach which includes .log and .bkg files:
locked lines of files whose (modification time of it > (now - 7*day)) of folders "__Global/Logs" of (data folder of client)

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How about grabbing all files in the /Logs folder and download as a single file compressed, like *.zip?