Get actions for a specific start/end date and time

I’m trying to make a Rest API call that can get action results for a specific date and also time.

For instance I want to capture all actions that have an end date of February 20 and all actions before noon.

I can capture all actions for a specific date but not for a specific timeframe.

https://rootserver:52311/api/query?relevance=(id of action of it as string, time issued of action of it as string, name of issuer of action of it, name of action of it, status of it as string, detailed status of it, name of computer of it, end date of action of it, end time_of_day of action of it) of results of bes actions whose ((end date of it = “20 Feb 2022” as date) and (end time_of_day of it <= “12:00:00” as date))

Can anyone help me?

Thank you so much.

I should be able to look into this later, but my first instinct is that “12:00:00” as date needs a different cast to ‘time_of_day’ rather than ‘date’.

But that brings up an interesting problem with timezones. Do you want 12:00:00 in UTC time zone, or in ‘client local time’, or the timezones of the root server, or the timezone of your REST API client?

Thanks @JasonWalker I would need the time of the REST API client.

I managed to convert the end time_of_day to string and it somehow presented the information I need… of action of it as string, time issued of action of it as string, name of issuer of action of it, name of action of it, status of it as string, detailed status of it, name of computer of it, end date of action of it, end time_of_day of action of it) of results of bes actions whose ((end date of it = “14 Feb 2023” as date)and(end time_of_day of it as string starts with “0”))