how to get with relevance query this details?
who created it
and who stoped it
how to get with relevance query this details?
who created it
and who stoped it
As usual, the documentation should be your first port of call.
and not with the api?
with relevance query?
yeah i tried to search there and get nothing=/
That is “session relevance”, here are some basic relevances to get the above info. You can test them in the presentation debugger (ALT-CRTL-SHIFT-D) on the BES console:
state of bes action whose (id of it is id_number)
name of stopper of bes action whose (id of it is id_number)
time issued of bes action whose (id of it is id_number)
time stopped of bes action whose (id of it is id_number)
names of stoppers of bes actions whose (state of it = “Stopped”)
thankyou! its help
@iftachzi, I notice you’ve been posting many questions on retrieving data via the REST API. I’d like to ask whether you’ve had a look at the Excel Connector at
This is a plugin for Microsoft Excel, that can connect to the REST API and retrieve most or all of this data for you. There is a wizard to guide you through the objects, properties, and relationships, and it will then query the data for you.
You could use the connector, and then keep the results it has retrieved, or you could display the session relevance that it generates and use that as a guide for building your own queries through whatever API client you are using today.
Please have a look and see whether that would be helpful for you.
OK thank you very much