Geolocation and internet facing relays

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I am working on setting up internet facing relays and wanting to know the kinds of information I can gather regarding clients.

I’ve found a website which will give me all kinds of geolocation information about the public ip address a client is connecting from.

Do we have any prebuilt solutions for gathering this kind of information? If not I was thinking of creating a fixlet that will “scrape” this website for this additional information and store it as an ini file on the local system… any thoughts?

i’ve talked with a few people who provided helpful links:

Peter: A company called MaxMind has Geolocation databases that you can download.


anybody else have any other ideas regarding useful information we can pull from internet clients?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’ve setup a blog for a little project that could be used to recreate the skyhook kind of wifi map database: