Bigfix 10.0.1 and BFI 10.0.2. When I run the Generate Bigfix License Tags task, it fails on 75% of the systems. The error in the client log files is.
Command failed (Relevance substitution failed) parameter "existingTags" = "{concatenation ":" of substrings separated by ( "-" &(parameter "ClientVersion" of action) & ".swidtag") of concatenation "" of ( following text of first (parameter "Prefix" of action) of it) of names whose ( it does not contain "Platform_Agent" ) of find files "*" of folder (parameter "IsoFolder" of action) }" (action:637910)
Hi @mbartosh -
Is this a policy action? Did you create it prior to the upgrade to v10? If so, you may need to re-start the policy using the he latest Fixlet 2305 in BES Support, where you’ll see that they added code to deal with the change in the prefix:
// prefix name of the tag files
if {((parameter "ClientVersion" of action) starts with "10.0")}
parameter "Prefix" = ""
parameter "Prefix" = "ibm.com_IBM_BigFix_"
As far as I know, there was no notice given by HCL that this had happened.
In my case, once I discovered the issue, I re-ran the whole tag generation process. I don’t know if this was necessary or not. You may want to open a support case with HCL to work through the issues.
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Thanks for the response. I am running the latest version of generate license tags which is 2305. I had a policy that had been running since 2017 which existed through several upgrades. I stopped the old policy and started a new one with the 2305 version which is when all of the failures occurred.
I have a case opened with support.
Interesting - there may be a fix in Patch 2 of BigFix V10.0:
Issue BFP-18586 - DA KB0083995 - Generate BigFix license tags no longer generating components swidtags after agent's upgraded to HCL V10
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