General transport failure. - SOCKET CONNECT (winsock error 4294967288 Close request

Across 500 endpoints for one customer network , we are msp, every machine has transport issues when synchronizing op-sites… This seems to only happen for op-sites. I get the following error from endpoints and relay. Then i will get right after the synchronize message for the same group of op-sites. This is a socket connect which endpoints reflect the IP of the relay vs the relay client using the loop iP So this action seems to happen when a send refresh command is sent to the endpoints. We are going to troubleshoot the network but thought i would collect additional data.

t 20:04:37 -0400 -
FAILED to Synchronize - General transport failure. - SOCKET CONNECT (winsock error 4294967288 - gather url -
At 20:04:40 -0400 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘opsite163’ (version 2111249) - 'http://MS-BIGFIX-01.MSIManagedServices.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite163
At 20:04:48 -0400 -
Report posted successfully