Future Location of the BigFix Wiki?

So I was looking for information on BigFix through a Google search, and that search inevitably sent me to the BigFix Wiki … where a red banner across the top concerned me:

Where is the info in the BigFix Wiki going to reside after December 31st, 2019?


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Similarly, it appears that IBM is actively deleting old links in their KB. When/Where will HCL begin hosting the accumulated knowledge articles?

We are migrating the DeveloperWorks BigFix wiki, however I don’t have any specifics to share at this point.

The Knowledge Center documentation migration is almost complete. We hope to have the new HCL BigFix documentation up soon!


Just to follow up on this:

The (former) Knowledge Center Docs are now hosted. You can find the links here:


Direct link: https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=bigfix_documentation


Dan, the wiki contained details about the product that could be found nowhere else. Migrating it is critical for the product.
Do you have an ETA on the migration of the wiki, not just the Knowledge Center documents?


It appears the IBM BigFix Wiki has been given a reprieve until March 31st, 2020.

Any word on whether HCL is keeping this Wiki and moving it elsewhere?



To answer my own question … BigFix Wiki is now Live!.
