Frick, Frack my my fixlet won't come back!

(imported topic written by boostaz191)

I created the following fixlet, Which after a migration to a new bes database server does not seem to work. I dont think the 2 are related but Im at a loss fo why this wont work anymore. The names have been changed to protect the innocent :slight_smile:


run net.exe localgroup administrators mydom\mygroup /add


not (exists member whose (it as string as lowercase contains “mydom\mygroup”) of local group “Administrators”)

(imported comment written by boostaz191)

Ooooopppss! also the fixlet is successfull in performing the action but the relevance is not working.

(imported comment written by boostaz191)

I got it… Call me a ding… its amazing how much capilization matters when comparing strings…Dooh.