Force Screensaver for HKEY_USERS or HKEY_CURRENT_USER?

(imported topic written by thall91)

I am attempting to force a screensaver to become active after 30 minutes of idle time and also require the end-users to re-authenticate once the screensaver is activated. With this following script I’m simply attempting to change the “ScreenSaverIsSecure” attribute to = 1. The script successfully completes in my test environment but does not modify the “ScreenSaverIsSecure” attribute to = 1. I’ll begin working on the 30 minute idle time specification after overcoming this first obstacle.

regset "[HKEY_USERS{name of key whose (value “Logon User Name” of key

“Explorer” of key “CurrentVersion” of key “Windows” of key “Microsoft” of

key “Software” of it as string as lowercase = name of current user as

string as lowercase) of key “HKEY_USERS” of registry}\Control

Panel\Desktop]" “ScreenSaverIsSecure”=string:1

I have researched the support documentation and followed all of the posted suggestions but I’m not getting the desired results.

Thanks -

(imported comment written by labuski91)


regset “” “ScreenSaverIsSecure”=“1”

(imported comment written by thall91)


This worked successfully! Thanks for your prompt response. I really appreciate your help!