Force reboot pc

hi guys, I am a beginner from hongkong, and my boss let me write a fixlet to forcere reboot some pc at midnight.

but this fixlet can not be run when someone logging in. It only can run when all account locked or sign out.

I have try so many day but all failed.

can anyone help me?

thank a lot!

What OS on the targeted computers?

hi TimRice

It’s Windows 10 Pro

Hi Sir @LukeTam,

Have you tried deploying “Custom Action” to those specific computers and configure the “Execution Tab” during midnight and “Post Action” restart the computer when the action is complete?

I have tried this in our environment and it seems effective.

Have a great day.

Best Regards,

Hello LukeTam,

When you run your fixlet, please check which options are selected on the Users tab of the Take Action Dialog:

Source: IBM Documentation



hi vnovik, I have try your opinion and select “Run only when there is no user logged on”

it only run when user have sign out.

when user lock window , it won’t run

anyway, thanks you guys for the answer, it helps me a lot!!!