I have a number of software packages working using the software distribution dashboard. Today I was making a new package, and the files don’t seem to be uploading. They just sit there saying they are “being uploading to the server…” but nothing ever happens. They are less than 1MB combined so its not a timing thing, plus I let it sit for hours already. I am logged into the server itself doing this. The server has 1.6TB free.
Is there a way to force an upload or see a progress bar for this process?
Yes, all clients are subscribed to the site. I have made dozens of other packages with the wizard before, it just stopped working last week.
What exactly are you referring to as the “setup node” I do not see a fixlet “Upgrade BES Upload Maintenance Service” when i view all fixlets, with show hidden and non-relevant content turned on.
On the left hand side, under Software Distribution, you should see a Setup node (like folders) with “BES Server: Upgrade BES Upload Maintenance Service” in it. This would only work right if the server was subscribed.
Anyway, let’s focus on getting you running in addition to finding out what went wrong… the issue with UMS is worked around by restarting it. Just run these commands and you’ll be back in business:
net stop BESPluginService
taskkill /im uploadmaintenanceservice.exe /f
net start BESPluginService
We’d like to make sure that it’s what we think it is, if you can mail me the C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Applications\Logs\swd_uploadmaintenanceservice.log file I’d appreciate it.
I dont know why i am facing the exact same issue after i recently upgraded the maintenance service that too 4 years after the problem was observed. All uploads simply fail now. However, there is a UMS scan delay period which was additionally made available. Can anyone give any technical background on
Why does the upgrade cause upload failures? I have restarted the services to no avail
What is the scan delay period. This is not documented properly.