Fixlets missing SHA1 files on server

Hi , Is there any way to see fixlets whose corresponding SHA1 file is missing or not cached on server ?

It would make for a nice little enhancement, but it would be something like “Download available on server” for any given fixlet. I wouldn’t know the session relevance for something like that if it was possible.

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Hmmm there’s a Bigfix Labs dashboard (Cache Management I think) that reports on sha1 folder content that is no longer referenced by a fixlet. That might be a starting point to reverse-engineer.

You can also look for the BES Download Cacher utility. We use that to predownload all site content on an airgapped installation. There’s also a specific downloader for Red Hat, probably some other distros as well.


What are you trying to fix or accomplish? probably 99% of Fixlets won’t have their SHA1 cached on the server (are you maybe targeting a custom site?)

I’d probably start with pulling all of the SHA1s from all of the fixlets in the site with something like:

Then use one of the caching analyses to look at all of the SHA1s cached on the server:

if (exists folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) then ((name of it) of files of folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)

Then put both the FixletSHA1s and CachedSHA1s into string sets:

Once you’ve got the SHA1s that are on the server and the SHA1s from your site then you can just do:
FixletSHA1s - CachedSHA1s

Which would give you the Fixlets with downloads that aren’t cached


Doing this for all fixlets might not be useful because:

Unless you are doing this for AirGap reasons.

BUT a related thing that would be good to know is if there are any files referenced by Fixlets/Tasks that are manual uploads to the root server that are missing… anything that SHOULD be in the /Uploads/ folder

If you are worried about web based downloads disappearing and then no longer being available for future actions, then you can help alleviate this by having all of your top level relays, and possibly the root server have large caches.

To reduce the need for manual uploads and managing those files, you can also host all of your custom content on a web server internal to your organization and point your prefetches at that instead of uploading the content to the root server first. This would mean as long as those items are available on that server, the root server will be able to get them.

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Agreed you’ll want to narrow it down to a site, release date, or something that isn’t just, “Patches for Windows”

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Sorry to necro this thread… but today we had this very issue in our environment.
Someone by mistake, deleted a bunch of files from the wwwrootbes/uploads folder.

Problem is, some relay have the files in their caches, but some do not, so some client now and then requests a download that will never complete.

Looking at the action in the console, the download status correctly shows:
Download error: “Unexpected HTTP response: 404 Not Found”

I know I can take a look at the failed downloads in the Relay Diagnostics, but… is there a session relevance to find out which actions are failing to download?

I mean, is not the action status, as the action is open, but there’s no action download status that I know of…
any help? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It might be easiest to enable the Relay Diagnostics page on your root server, and then check that for failing downloads.

Hi Jason, thanks for you reply. However:

my question is if there’s a session relevance to find out if there’s an actions whose downloads are failing.

Again, thanks! :slight_smile: