Fixlet that synchronizes files in folders

(imported topic written by bolobi91)

HI All,

Please help.

I am new,. was wondering if any one can assit me in creating a fixlet that will keep two folders in sync

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

What operating system? There are certain tasks that are fine to do in Action Script and there are others that are just easier to do with a native tool or script and use BigFix to run the script on a schedule.

Also, are you copying across network shares or is this from one local drive to another local drive?

(imported comment written by bolobi91)

It is from one local drive to another

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

And the operating system is Windows? If yes, which flavors?

(imported comment written by bolobi91)

Yes its windows, between servers 2000 and 2003