Fixlet Restart Endpoint with relevance = true - Endpoint responds not relevant

In a baseline of patches that the endpoint installs and show pending restart by each one. However at the end of the baseline is a fixlet restart endpoint 60 with relevance = true and yet the endpoint responds not relevant. That would be true for the next 2 fixlets in the baseline are action restart with relevance pending restart. Yet same endpoint say not relevance. Final state of endpoint is pending restart.

Any thoughts why the endpoint would say non-relevant to this? this happens from time to time random on endpoints . Not clear to me why the endpoint would say not relevant when each patch says it is in pending restart state.

Not clear to me why out of the 29 , 28 restarted and one is not relevant.


Please check out this thread

For the question around why you get different results from different endpoints, you may need to look at the specific components of your baseline and the target endpoints.