Fixlet Remediation History By Computer Name

Ok so at least all the session relevance appears consistent with each other, right? Everything in the queries look like you have results between computers and fixlets; the relevant flags all say False; the remediated flags all say False; and the number of results whose (remediated flag of it) is 0.

I do think you’re on to something with correlation being the issue. That computer ID from the list of results is a very high number – like the ID we’d get from correlation.

If you retrieve

Ids of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "Your Group")

Do you get the native computer IDs, or the IDs of the correlated computers?

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Let’s expand that to

(id of it, name of it, correlation flag of it) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "Your Group")
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Thanks Jason. From that statement, It is returning the yellow highlighted ID.


Which BES version are you on?

We are running

@JasonWalker that’s definitely the issue at play here. As a test, I deleted the Proxy - VMware Agent Type for this server and re-ran the problematic Web Report. The report returned results back for this endpoint. I assume we just need to modify the initial report relevance statement to call the specific “native” ID and we should be okay?

I’m afraid we’re getting in to an area that isn’t publicly documented (yet) but I’m retrieving some stuff internally.

Can you tell me what you get from these?

number of correlations of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "Your Group")

(id of it, correlation flag of it, extension flag of it, agent type of it) of correlations of bes computers


I put endpoints into a “Test” group:

This statement didn’t return anything

@JasonWalker we have a support case going with HCL as well. There seems to be quite a bit of underlying issues with the new WebUI Cloud plugins and it’s impact on native functionality like we’ve seen here. At this point, HCL is having us completely remove the cloud plugin component and portal plugin to get us back to our original working state. Ill keep this thread updated as this progresses. Appreciate all of your assistance here!!

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As an update for anyone who may come across this thread. HCL support came back and classified this particular issue we were having as a bug via

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How can you export this to excel or CSV format?

I think you should open a new thread to discuss your need. There are years of history on this thread, and I’m not sure I understand which thing you want

I can do that. But basically rather than printing out the report to the screen, I want to export it out to excel file.

Is it possible to put some code in here so that we can export this out to an excel file or a csv file?

I pasted our code in this thread. It should be available for your use.

Thank you. Would you happen to know how I could add commas or other characters to use as a delimeter between the fields in the report? For example:

Computer,Fixlet,Source Release Date,Source Severity,Fix Date

I need to get the report into an excel file with columns

Thank you again

We have a Custom Field named Change Request that we store change numbers in. We would like to add that field to this report. How do i go about doing this?
Thank you

Please start a new thread with the details of your needs and a copy of whatever report you’re talking about. There’s too much history on this thread for me to even find what you’re referencing.