(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
ahh, ok.
Thanks Lee!
(imported comment written by ttefera91)
Lee Wei
Not really, the scenario you described should not have happened.
What constitutes “Installed”?
It should be shown in the Fixlet relevance, with all the different statements.
If the relevance is TRUE, the patch is missing. Relevance Flag = true, and not installed
If the relevance is FALSE, the patch is not required, or already installed
So we should be able to reconcile that way.
Hi Lee,
I have found recently that the “Last Reported Non-Relevant” field is no longer reflecting accurate information. For example, using the bigfix Excel connector, i have created a Result of BES Fixlets" report with the following attributes checked:
What I have found are fixlets that have a Relevancy Flag of TRUE (meaning the computer is missing the patch) but “Last Became Nonrelevant” is dated 2010/04/08 08:00PM. How can that be the case?
I have been running similar reports and have not seen this scenario before.
Can you give me some ideas?
Thank you.
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
Yes it is possible to have a result where
Relevant Flag[/color] = TRUE and some value is the
Last Became Nonrelevant[/color] field.
This means that the Fixlet was fixed at some point, but it has become relevant (again).
You would then expect to see a value in the
Last Became Relevant[/color] field to be a later time.
I just took a quick look at the last report in this thread, and there is a filter condition for the Fixlet Results to be
(exists last became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = false)[/color]. So that looks correct to me.
Lee Wei
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
These topics can get a little confusing, but quite important to understand so you know how to interpret the results, and to stand up against audits and inquiries.
Feel free to send me a private message and I am happy to walk anyone through the issues.
Sometimes easier to have a dialogue.
Lee Wei
(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
We have been using several variations of these reports for a while. Recently they have stopped functioning. I am not sure if it was our upgrade to version 8, of if it is related to IE 7&8. I think there are a couple of different issues.
First the calendaring function no longer works. I think this is an IE related issue with how IE 7 & 8 handle the focus() to an IFRAME. When selecting the textfield for the date, the calendar pops open, but you have no functionality, and you can not get the calendar to go away. (We have tested this in FF, Safari, and Chrome as well. The issue is in FF and IE, but not Safari, and Chrome )
Second, if you go into the javascript and hard code in start and end dates and hit the generate report button, the browser basically locks up, and will never return. It has to be killed via the task manager.
Any help would be appreciated.
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
I have removed the calendar picker function.
So you can just type in the date choices.
Lee Wei
(Sign-in to see the attachment)
(imported comment written by tscott91)
Lee, first off I want to say thanks again for all these reports. They add great value and functionality (should be included!)…
When I run the Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group (v1.6) and choose a group that has 160 nodes with a fix data of only 1 month it sits at processing for at least 5 minutes and the CPU on the BigFix server shoots to 100%…
Is this normal?
Thanks again!
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
If you are running 8.2 of Web Reports, there is a newly introduced bug that causes the report to run slowly.
This will be fixed hopefully in the next patch release.
The report referenced is in this thread:
Lee Wei
(imported comment written by tscott91)
I’m actually still on 8.1.617.0
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
That does not ring a bell for me.
On the Server side, the process doing work in Web Reports, so you can check on its CPU usage.
Most of the work should be client side JavaScript on the browser.
In any case, this behavior does not reconcile for me.
(imported comment written by TallTomD)
Thanks for the report. It is very close to what I need. However, when I run the report it only provides results for 2 computers in the group I’ve selected. How can I get results for all the computers in the group?
I’m also looking for another report that is giving me troubles. If you could help it would be great. For that report I’m trying to gather Computer Name, a retrieved Property, and the Subscribed Sites. I’d like to filter Subscribed Sites results to only show certain information. Can you help?
Please advise,
(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
Lee - Thanks for the update. the code shows an “error on page” message when the date is entered. I assume that is because the javascript now calls a non-existent function…
Do you see any issue removing this call? I have tested out onfocus="" and everything seems to be fine.
One other question - when running this report, the browser is completely locked up and unusable until the report finishes (30+ minutes for a 1 day date range), is that expected?
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
You have fixed the error correctly.
Better still you can remove the entire onfocus statement.
The speed of the report depends on how much data is being returned.
If it takes yours 30 minutes, you must have a big deployment.
Obviously it would be better to filter down base on the computer group and small set of Fixlets.
Lee Wei
(imported comment written by routergirl91)
I’ve gone through this thread several times - is there an attached report anywhere for the “Fixlet Remediation History by Computer Name”? I keep seeing links back to the old forum, which does not have an attachment that I can find, and the only one here is the one for the Computer Group. Sorry if I missed it - it’s been a long day.
I actually have that report in our Web Reports already - I really just need to remove the Calendar popup - I have been going through the report for the Computer Group (where the date picker was removed, and you can now type it in in clear text) to see if I can find the relevant lines and remove it by hand because it pops up and just sits there. But my eyes are starting to glaze over at this point. If anyone can help with that, I’d be so grateful!
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
This post in the thread has the report:
(imported comment written by nagaraj.s)
Hi Lee Wei,
I have using IBM Endpoint Manager V9.0.853,
In our architecture we want to generate the web based patch action status.
I want to take the format like
column-A : computer name, column-B: IP Address, column-c: Operating system, column-D: Patches deployed result(remediated patches), column-E: deployed patches status(remediated status)
For Example:
Computer-1 windows-7 MS-patches remote code vulnerability-1 fixed
MS-patches remote code vulnerability-2 fixed
MS-patches remote code vulnerability-3 failed
MS-patches remote code vulnerability -4 pending restart
Computer-2 windows-7 flash player updates-15.0 fixed
Chrome updates 32.0 failed
MS-014 patches vulnerability code pending restart
This is the sample basic report,
So how can i add the field in web-basic report, I have tried to most of the time in web-reports
but i did not get the all field in same column and same reports,
so please any custom reports, please give the custom reports codes (or) relavance.
please this is the High important scenario.
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
Based on the output format, the object that you want should be “BES Action Result”.
This is the object that can give you the status of the Actions on each Computer.
The construct of Relevance to get "BES Action Result " is:
result (bes action, bes computer)
The properties or attributes of BES Action Result are as follows:
action of : bes action
apply count of : integer
computer of : bes computer
detailed status of : string
line number of : integer
retry count of : integer
status of : bes action status
An example statement to product something like what you shown above would be:
( name of it,
concatenations of (ip addresses of it as string),
operating system of it
) of computers of it,
name of action of it,
status of it
of results (bes actions, bes computers)
Lee We
(imported comment written by nagaraj.s)
Hi Lee,
Thanks for your updates, the required reports were taken using Excel connector by your guidance,
thank you.
also it’s possible to take a same report formats in IBM custom web reports,
is there any relevance, please share the same.
Thanks & Regards,
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
I apologize that I did not understand the question.
What is meant by “it’s possible to take a same report formats in IBM custom web reports, is there any relevance”?
Can you please ask again?
Lee Wei
(imported comment written by nagaraj.s)
Actually what i meant was,
How to take the custom required report from (ibm web-reports) rather then using excel connector.
please share any guidance regarding the creation of custom reports using relevance script.