Fixlet load method using VBscript

(imported topic written by Bhushan_Chirmade)


I got site id 2148485324 using below query:

id of bes sites whose (name of it = “ActionSite”)

I am trying to execute following code segment to load the fixlet:

siteId = 2148485324

Set fixlet = CreateObject(“BESAPI.FixletMessage”)

fixlet.Load siteId,fixletId, username, password

WScript.Echo fixlet.DiagnosticMessage


All the time I keep getting overflow error. I tried to use vbscript CLng function however the value is is out of range for long integer. I tried to convert the number into negative unsigned number as -2146481972 and this time it accepted it but got database error as below:

Database Error: A database query unexpectedly failed to return any results.

I am not sure what next step and where to check for any additional logs. Isn’t vbscript is right way for using Bigfix API? Why the site id created is not in long integer range?



(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Can you please try -2147469833 and see if that might work?

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Bhushan_Chirmade)

I tried the mentioned site ID and I got following response:

C:\BES>cscript CreateAction.vbs 5181184 1002608 -2147469833

NoSuchSiteID: 2147497463



(imported comment written by Bhushan_Chirmade)


We would like to do integration of BigFix with another product. Can you please let me know which is the best method to use for integration?

Remotely I would like to create action on servers passing server id and fixlet IDs.

I was thinking to use vbscript (since they are native and I don’t need to install anything additional on bigfix server) however they don’t seem to work here. Thinking about C#.

