Fixlet: Ensure rsyslog is configured to send logs to a remote log host

In the following Fixlet:
not exists 1 whose ((0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex “^\s**.*\s+@”) of it) of it, “^\s**.*\s+@”, 1) of it) of files “/etc/rsyslog.conf” or 0 = number of packages “rsyslog” of rpm))

I am wanting to change the regex “^\s**.*\s+@” to look for "authpriv." to be compliant. I have tried the following with no results:

What does the authpriv line look like?

authpriv.* /var/log/secure

That regex would match as follows…
^ - start of a line \s* - any number of spaces (including 0) \^ - the literal carat ^ symbol (why is this here?) authpriv.* - the literal string "authpriv" followed by anything \s+ - at least one, and possibly more, whitespace characters @ - the literal "@" symbol

According to Sending Messages to a Remote Syslog Server - rsyslog, I’d expect a remote authpriv config to look like

If I take out the match for the carat symbol, I do find a match, and I think the pattern works the way you need …

q: matches (regex("^\s*authpriv.*\s+@")) of "authpriv.*" A: authpriv.* @ T: 0.103 ms I: plural regular expression match

q: exists matches (regex("^\s*authpriv.*\s+@")) of "authpriv.*" A: True T: 0.111 ms I: singular boolean

q: exists matches (regex("^\s*authpriv.*\s+@")) of "authpriv.* /var/log/secure" A: False T: 0.138 ms I: singular boolean

I’ve tried ^\s*^authpriv.\s+@ with no success. Using ^\s[a-zA-Z].\s+@ I have found some success. Not sure as to why the second Regex works and the first does not.

The second regex would match lines that send a log to a remote syslog host, even if that is not an authpriv log.
Can you post your full relevance statement?

not exists 1 whose ((0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex “^\s*^authpriv.*\s+@”) of it) of it, “^\s*^authpriv.*\s+@”, 1) of it) of files “/etc/rsyslog.conf” or 0 = number of packages “rsyslog” of rpm))

It’s just the “Ensure rsyslog is configured to send logs to a remote log host” fixlet with the regex changed.

… still have to remove the “^” in the authpriv regex…

The regex “|” throws an error on mine (though I’m using the Windows version of QNA, not sure whether the regex evaluator is different on Linux)

q: exists matches (regex "|") of lines of files "c:\temp\rsyslog.conf"
E: The expression could not be evaluated: Regex Error - Empty expression.

q: exists matches (regex "[|]") of lines of files "c:\temp\rsyslog.conf"
A: True
T: 0.473 ms
I: singular boolean

q: lines of files "c:\temp\rsyslog.conf"
A: #authpriv.* /var/log/secure
A: authpriv.* |

Based on my short test, I believe that changing that regex looking for the pipe character gives the expected result:

q: not exists 1 whose ((0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation "," of substrings separated by "" of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by "" of concatenation "" of substrings separated by "," of concatenation "" of (if exist matches (regex "[|]") of it then error "Delimiter in string: |" else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex "^\s*authpriv.*\s+@") of it) of it, "^\s*authpriv.*\s+@", 1) of it) of files "c:\temp\rsyslog.conf" ))

The | character has a special meaning in a regex pattern

Escape it and the expression works

q: exists matches (regex "|") of "ABC|DEF"
E: The expression could not be evaluated: Regex Error - Empty expression.

q: exists matches (regex "\|") of "ABC|DEF"
A: True

That was my problem. Not sure why I kept that in there. Thank you for your assistance.