Fixlet description Fields select options

i have a fixlet design for me, and i want create a field on description fixlet with relevance for the user can select a value of relevance options, but …:slight_smile:
select name=“baseline”

<?relevance(( "<option value=" & name of it as string & "" ) of bes fixlets whose (name of site of it as string contains "Solaris" and baseline flag of it)as string ))?>


Not run a relevance. I need that list name of baseline of a site for that users select a baseline on description fixlet.

i want to wrtie code but for here ocult comand html , change < >for | :wink:
|select id = “baselineName” name = “baselineName” size = “1” |
|option value = “default” selected = “true” style = “background-color: #532900; color: white;” | --Select Baseline – |/option|

<?relevance (html "|option value=%22" & item 1 of it & html "%22|" & item 0 of it & html "|/option>") of(preceding text of first "||" of it, following text of first "||" of it) of unique values of(name of it & "||" & id of it as string) of bes fixlets whose(baseline flag of it = true and name of site of it as string contains "Solaris") ?>


but write on description with text but not with select options .

I have the goal. Multi rollback con menús V9. para windows (preproducción)_limpia.bes (12,9 KB)

Multi-rollback for baseline of windows. Only use wusa.exe, for other options , modify action.