Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group (v1.7)

Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group (v1.7) generates only 1000 rows [out of 4000 rows] of missing patches when used in Firefox. Any menthod to export full list of patches ?

This 1000 limit is coded into the JavaScript for the report.

The file is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\ext-3.2.0\fixlet_compliance_1_7.js

In my file on line 39 is the following and you can change it to a different number.
var diplayedRelevantFixlets = 1000;

Then make sure to force the browser to refresh to ensure the JavaScript file is being used rather than the cached copy.

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thanks leewee, its working fine now. appreciate your help

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