Fixlet 4422: Ugrade Platform fails during prefetch for only one file ("open" proxy used)

I cannot figure out why the last prefetch is not working, via proxy.

The URLs seem the same path (e.g., in particular The issue is that the prefetch for ALWAYS fails (for fixlet 4422 - IBM BigFix - Updated Platform … 9.5.14 Now Available)

Thanks for suggestions are where to look.

			prefetch unzip.exe sha1:84debf12767785cd9b43811022407de7413beb6f size:204800 sha256:2122557d350fd1c59fb0ef32125330bde673e9331eb9371b454c2ad2d82091ac
			if {exists file "setup.exe" whose(version of it < "") of folder "Server" of folder(parameter "installLocation")}
				prefetch BESServerUpgrade.exe sha1:6023a192a4f0fa4112e4280bb99c1e038680f0c3 size:82685536 sha256:9917539b02de263fc20bbf5779b1b992d0443fa76596d8c6dab47abe24bce04d
				parameter "serverLocation"="{parameter "installLocation"}\Server\"
				delete "{parameter "serverLocation"}ActionSite.afxm"
				delete "{parameter "serverLocation"}masthead.afxm"
				copy "{pathname of parent folder of parent folder of client folder of current site}\ActionSite.afxm" "{parameter "serverLocation"}masthead.afxm"
				delete "{parameter "serverLocation"}setup.exe"
				copy __Download\BESServerUpgrade.exe "{parameter "serverLocation"}setup.exe"
			if {exists file "setup.exe" whose(version of it < "") of folder "Console" of folder(parameter "installLocation")}
				prefetch BESConsoleUpgrade.exe sha1:888425891695e057880d47d750242eaa7545827b size:51207744 sha256:f0b3466460192e4495f1680d13c7142058fa96c851fd016d9777db648a3b94ed
				parameter "consoleLocation"="{parameter "installLocation"}\Console\"
				delete "{parameter "consoleLocation"}ActionSite.afxm"
				delete "{parameter "consoleLocation"}masthead.afxm"
				copy "{pathname of parent folder of parent folder of client folder of current site}\ActionSite.afxm" "{parameter "consoleLocation"}masthead.afxm"
				delete "{parameter "consoleLocation"}setup.exe"
				copy __Download\BESConsoleUpgrade.exe "{parameter "consoleLocation"}setup.exe"
				parameter "cdtFolder"="{parameter "installLocation"}\ClientDeployTool"
				parameter "cdtLocation"="{parameter "cdtFolder"}\BigFixClientDeploy.msi"
				if {exists file (parameter "cdtLocation")}
					prefetch sha1:a8f344ad2377b6782e5d3ac829694fafa33b3f35 size:26461805 sha256:74bbb2d504ea637b9d3b3bd105314891ac8b285be19625c245e6975848e13e0b
					// Unzip the file overwriting existing files
					waithidden __Download\unzip.exe -qq -o -d "{parameter "cdtFolder"}" __Download\


using the command curl <proxy_info> prefetch-url --output prefetch-sha1in the downloads/sha1 directory resolved the “Pending Downloads” holdup.

Note: the downloads are taking much longer than 30 seconds - when feedback does finally arrive, the download completes in 5 sec or less.

Question: many settings for extending the “Error 28: HTML timeout” value - but which one affects these downloads. Am seeing “pending downloads” being extended/repeated for several fixlets/tasks.

Look at the “_BESGather_Download_TimeoutSeconds” setting (See link

The default is 30 seconds you can increase the value as “client setting” on your Bigfix Server computer.

Thanks. Not sure if we had that and removed it, but present now.